Divorce for Men
When it comes to divorce in Florida, men face certain challenges that women do not.
Facing divorce is always a scary thing that is filled with uncertainties. For men, however, the situation is even more precarious. Many men consider how divorces have been handled historically and believe that they do not have a chance against their wives. This is simply not true. Both spouses have rights when going through a divorce, and this is just as true for men as it is for women. If you are a man who is going through divorce, do not take your chances by going it alone. Call a Florida family lawyer today for help.
Alimony During Divorce
In some divorce cases, the court awards maintenance, also known as spousal support or alimony. Traditionally, alimony has been awarded to women in divorce, but today it is granted based on unbiased factors. These include the earning capacity of both spouses, whether both spouses can meet their basic needs after divorce, and the duration of the marriage.
If one spouse stayed home to take care of the children during marriage so the other spouse could further his or her career, this is also taken into consideration. Again, historically it was women who stayed home, but more and more men are staying home to raise their children today. When that is the case, or if there are other arguments for you to receive alimony, a family lawyer will fight for those rights so you secure the alimony you deserve.
Child Custody During Divorce
In the past, child custody was typically awarded to women. Today, the courts are required to remain impartial and not consider the gender of the parent when awarding child custody. The courts are only supposed to consider the best interests of the child. Unfortunately, the courts do not always abide by this standard and sometimes, they do show bias. A family attorney will ensure that the court remains impartial and present evidence to prove why a parent should be granted custody or visitation, regardless of gender.
Property Division During Divorce
Property division is always a contentious issue during divorce proceedings. Some spouses do not want to let go of property because it is of great value, while other times certain property holds great sentimental value for them. In either case, an experienced family attorney will again ensure that the court only takes relevant factors into consideration, regardless of impassioned pleas from the other side.
Divorcing Your Wife? Our Florida Family Lawyer can Help
Although the courts are required to remain impartial and unbiased during divorce proceedings, that is not always the case. If you are a man getting a divorce, you must ensure that your rights are not violated just because of your gender. At The Law Offices of Robert Stepniak, our Daytona Beach family lawyer can help ensure they are not. We will argue your case in court and negotiate effectively with the other side to get the fair settlement you deserve. If you are going through divorce, call Attorney Stepniak today so we can start reviewing your case.
Call (386) 253-4750 to get started on your case.